Tuesday, April 13, 2010

5 days to go!

until Marathon Monday!

I'm still $1700 short of my goal and I'm starting to get a bit worried! The good news is that I have several weeks after the run in order to come up with the money and also that between me and my fiance we can probably cover it with our subsequent paychecks. The bad news is that that will suck! I am trying to save up enough money so that he can fly out to visit me next summer while I'll be living in Africa. Unfortunately, I only have until graduation to officially work (until the Peace Corps of course and then I probably will have a part time job in medical school if I can afford to spend the time).

Basically, DONATE! Tell your friends! I need all the help I can get so I don't have to pay the entire difference myself!

Training is great. I truly believe I am physically ready! I've had a bit of fasciitis on my left foot, but I'm taking care of it and doing cross training. I think tomorrow I'm going to try and run 3 miles without stopping. Dope up on ibuprofen!

Thanks to everyone who has helped support me so far; I couldn't do it without you!


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