Monday, February 8, 2010

Full Force Fundraising!

I've started my email campaign! So far I've emailed all my Wellesley professors over the last four years, my FYM group, a few friends, and have sent spam to Community and a couple class conferences. I've also asked my work supervisor (who ROCKS) to forward my message to the entire department. I've gotten almost $100 in the last two days...I need that to continue and get even better! I'm seriously going to have a party when I reach $1000. Hopefully that will happen in the next couple weeks.

February 20--> $1000
March 1st-->$2000
April 1st--> $3000
April 19th-->$4000 +

Yes, I admit that I am mildly freaked about the amount of money I still need to raise. What is very frustrating is that if every student here donated $5, I'd have $10,000!!

I am planning on going to Rosie's, a local bakery and asking them to hold a fundraising day where I'll get a certain percentage of the profits. Hopefully that will be beneficial! I'm going to ask next week for a day sometime in early March. I'll widely publicize that event (with proper spam and everything!) and hopefully they'll get a lot of extra business.

I'm also going to make some posters this weekend and put a few up in the campus center. Maybe I can elicit some help from a friend who used me for something similar last year haha.

If anyone has any marathon fundraising ideas that don't require much input, let me know!!

As far as training goes, I'm definitely a bit behind, but catching up quickly. The MCAT had me skipping a couple long runs, but I just ran 12 miles yesterday and this Saturday is 14!!

Tomorrow I'm doing some cross training to let my knees recover from the long run and then it's 6 miles on Wednesday come rain or shine (or blizzard!). Wish me luck!


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